Subscribers Deleted

I’ve recently deleted all subscribers because there are some that feel that rules don’t apply to them as they were trying to access the admin area.

They were most likely Leftist Douchebags, that use pronouns and cry like little bitches when you misgender them or refuse to use their pronouns.

Or, they lived in their “mom’s” basement and cry like little bitches because their mom will not use their preferred pronouns and calls them what they were born as, that being a BOY or a GIRL! She keeps the basement door locked because she doesn’t want them to go outside and embarrass her. She couldn’t understand why a person would give up their child the day she signed the adoption papers…but now she completely understands!

Let this be a lesson to ALL women…KEEP YOUR LEGS CLOSED until you get married and don’t be in a rush to get married.

This goes for men and women…DON’T BE A WHORE, or else you’ll end up with some demon spawn, like the one that has made me add this page!

I Deleted Users

I wanted to post this so everyone would know why I deleted ALL users.

Lately there have been a few DOUCHEBAGS that have been trying to enter the site as “admin”! I apologize to ALL who were not one of those DOUCHEBAGS!

There are always a few DOUCHEBAGS who think that rules don’t apply to them. I’ll bet that all of these DOUCHEBAGS are leftist, pedophile, Biden voters, just like their hero, the PEDOPHILE, Joe Biden.

It’s not too late for you DOUCHEBAGS to get out of your possession…you are possessed, which is why you try to “hack” into sites, why you’re a pedophile and why you love your pedophile hero, Joe Biden.

Here’s a video of creepy Joe in action…a few things to keep in mind while watching this:

  1. At 1 minute and 15 seconds, the little girl that Joe is trying to feel up, elbows his hand away!
  2. Sentaor Coons’ daughter is TOTALLY freaked out by Joe. You’ll see it in the video and then towards the end you’ll hear Senator Coons in DENIAL defending the man who was molesting his daughter on stage.
  3. Almost this entire video is taken from ONE event!
  4. The very last part is very disturbing, and you can tell when Joe is talking about something that he knows is wrong, he has a “Tell”, he starts to stutter. When you watch any Joe Biden videos, keep that in mind and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
  5. This video is very cringey, if you think it’s not, well, we know you’re a fan of the BidenBot!